DevOps is a prerequisite for a successful cloud investment
To fully utilize cloud-native applications and the benefits they bring, we also need to change the way we work. We need to be able to continuously implement new code into our applications and do so at speed. The code needs to be quality-assured, security-tested and deliver the functionality requested.
The applications of the future are here, empowering us to add or change functionality in a dynamic, totally new way. We can automatically increase capacity as required and build security into our infrastructure. In other words, IT is now better able to adapt to our operational and business needs.
To fully utilize cloud-native applications and the benefits they bring, we also need to change the way we work. We need to be able to continuously implement new code into our application and do so at speed. The code needs to be quality-assured, security-tested and deliver the functionality requested.
DevOps combines people, process and automation to deliver continuous value to the organization. The very definition of DevOps is that development and operations should work closely together in integrated teams to achieve the best possible results. Departments blend into each other and work as one toward a common goal. Continuous integration and delivery of ready-to-run code demands an organization and culture that do things differently. DevOps unites culture, working methods and tools to create the best conditions for success.
“DevOps has been part of our culture at ELITS for years. It’s very important for us when it comes to delivering the highest quality to our customers.”
/Fredrik Wikberg, Business Manager.
A new reality poses new challenges
Being competitive today presents different challenges than it did 10 years ago. You’re expected to deliver new functionality to your own organization and to customers at a rate that was previously unimaginable, let alone possible. Working along the old lines simply won’t be enough, no matter how hard you try. You need new ways to work and new ways to organize your operations.
ELITS and DevOps
Let ELITS partner you in launching your applications faster and with higher quality than ever. Our extensive offering covers you all the way, from setting up and operating the underlying infrastructure to working in an agile way to develop cloud-optimized applications of the future.
We help you with
- Setting up DevOps.
- Establishing development environments.
- CI/CD services.
- Developing cloud-native applications
Other service areas
Cloud services
Use the cloud to achieve your goals and increase growth. How do you distribute the cloud to ensure successful digital transformation?
We help you distribute the cloud as part of your digital transformation.
Development services
Systems and apps developed for a modern cloud infrastructure from the start ensure simpler, less costly operations.
We help you prepare business-critical applications.
Infrastucture & Operations
We understand operations. Our specialists support you throughout the service lifecycle and future technology shifts.
We help you throughout the service lifecycle and future technology shifts.
Our services
Setting up DevOps
Setting up DevOps is fundamentally an enterprise project. So we run a series of workshops with your organization to define expectations and roles, and set clear goals.
We help you with
- Situational analysis
- Proposed solutions
- Development processes
- Tools
- Methodology
Etablering av utvecklingsmiljöer
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CI/CD services
We help you define and set up the various components in your pipeline that are required to achieve efficient CI/CD delivery. The environment should have various test, verification and production environments along with the framework of tests that are unique to your needs. We collaborate with you in a series of workshops, after which we make our recommendations based on best practice and our own solid experience.
Developing cloud-native applications
Either on your behalf or in collaboration with you, we build new applications that are optimized for cloud environments. In a common design and specifications process, we set the right goals and realistic expectations. Using the Minimum Viable Product concept, we quickly achieve results that become a solid foundation for you to build on.
Want to know more?

Atilla Otaner
President ELITS Canada
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